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Quality candles

How can you tell whether you are buying quality scented candles? It’s a question that many customers ask. Many customers know that the difference between low quality candles and high quality candles is immense. Not only do high quality scented candles last longer and provide a better experience, but they can actually be healthier. If you want the best for you and your home, follow these tips for choosing high-quality scented candles:

1) Look at the price. While price is not always the only indicator of quality, it can be an important clue. Quality scented candles do not always have to priced very high, but quality does cost money. You simply cannot buy quality scented candles at a steep discount, because the high quality ingredients used to make these products cost the manufacturers more money. Quality manufacturers also test their products for safety and quality, and this extra cost is passed on to you.

2) Look at where the candle is made. Candles made locally are usually made in facilities that have to pass certain safety standards. Some candles made overseas can be safe as well, but do consider buying candles made in the country – this can help ensure that you are getting good quality. Supporting local business is also sure to make you feel good about your purchase.

3) Look at the manufacturer. You can learn a lot about the quality of a scented candle by looking at the manufacturer who made your candle. Today, researching manufacturers is as simple as visiting a few web sites online. Look out for candles made by generic manufacturers or companies that make many other products. Look for quality scented candles made by candle makers who have years of experience and a dedication to candles. Manufacturers who make a name for themselves making quality candles take great care to produce great quality, because they have a reputation to uphold. Also, quality manufacturers simply know more about candles and about candle safety and so can make candles that are safe and high quality.

4) Read the ingredients. Not all candles list all their ingredients, but many candles do at least indicate something. Be wary of candles that contain no information. Quality scented candles generally come with plenty of information about the candles themselves. You can also generally get plenty of information about quality scented candles on manufacturer’s home pages. If you are worried about quality, look for candles made of high-grade waxes, bee waxes, and soy products.

5) Look carefully at the candle. Manufacturers of high quality scented candles are often proud of their product – and it shows. Quality candles are often well-packaged and well wrapped to protect the candle itself. Good care is generally taken in the design and appearance of the candle, so that it is attractive, smooth and well-shaped. Look out for crumbly candles that have a petroleum scent and poorly attached wicks – these are likely to be of lower quality.

6) Look at where you are buying your candle. You should be buying candles from a retailer who knows about candles – not from your nearest discount store, which is likely only looking at the bottom line and not at quality. When you buy quality scented candles from a store that specializes in candles, you often enjoy a better selection, better prices, and knowledgeable help, too.

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